John Coughlin is an award-winning video editor, cinematographer, and professional photographer based out of Charlotte, North Carolina. John specializes in Documentary-style content and narrative storytelling in his video work, as well as portraiture and architectural photography. He believes that the beauty of life and the world around us can be captured in time in moments that will last forever.


Being in the studio and being able to control every variable is one of the most fun ways to shoot photography for me personally. That being said, I also find it can sometimes be one of the most daunting ways, as you tend to limit yourself in ways you may not have thought of.


I love doing photoshoots, whether out in the field or in a studio environment, as the clients always bring a different personality and energy to every session and it allows me to fully capture them and their spirit.

Film and Video

With more than a decade of professional experience and a bachelors degree in Post-Production, Film and Video Production is my first passion and something that I feel like I was meant to do. When it comes to narrative storytelling and the craft of editing, it is as if I have the capability to shape and mold stories that are impactful but also it is my duty to tell those stories that would otherwise never be told.